Featured Truth

God & Humanity

His Story

This is the greatest story every told. It is the story of our salvation from death to life by the great sacrifice of the Son. This story is summed by one verse that says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16)".

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Featured Truth

UP Diliman

My campus

This is where everything began. UP is a university stereotyped as godless, but in God's own humor, I encountered Him in this very campus. I learned about journalism and Jesus. I read books and the Bible. I heard His call and I answered. I graduated but never left, because my calling is here in the heart of UP Diliman.

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Featured Truth


Accuracy, accuracy, accuracy!

Writing is not just art. It's passion. And Journalism is not just about writing, it's about the truth and handling it responsibly. Journalist capture a slice of reality and present it in words, photos and videos, hoping to effect change. Dive into this world of words!

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  • I share Jesus in words and deeds-- the whole of life

  • I love my campus and I want to see it under the banner of Christ

  • I capture people's lives in words, images and videos

  • My ultimate goal is the joy of Christ in all of my being

  • I'm Frederick Paulo Tomacder- A Christian who loves writing

Our Latest Blog

Lessons from MET 2023

Lessons from MET 2023

 On July 5-11, 2023, the UPDCF once again conducted the Missions Exposure Trip, the first one after the pandemic. A group of 21 UP Diliman students, DCF alumni and
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